NY Comic Con: The Multicultural Mask

Friday, February 06, 2009

And if you're looking for something to do you may want to check out the panel this Sunday down at the NY Comic Con called "The Multicultural Mask":

Sunday, February 8th, 11:15 - 12:15: "The Multicultural Mask," room 1A17. Panel with Perry Moore (HERO), Greg Pak (PLANET HULK), DC editor Jann Jones, and moderator Jeff Yang, columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle and editor of SECRET IDENTITIES: THE ASIAN AMERICAN SUPERHERO ANTHOLOGY. Here's the description:

"Over the past decade, publishers and creators have made an aggressive push to diversify the pages of the comic books -- eliminating antiquated, stereotypical representations of race and sexuality, while adding characters whose backgrounds and identities are a truer and certainly richer reflection of our social reality. In the process, some fan-favorite heroes have met with untimely ends and come back with new, different, and multicultural identities and others have become suddenly open about their sexual orientations. These changes have been met with both loud applause and scathing criticism -- but is radical integration of the comics really necessary? And if so, what's the best way to make comics look like America (and the world) while preserving cherished characters and already overstretched continuities? This panel will bring together creators who stand out as pioneers of the new inclusiveness in comics to talk about what works, what doesn't, and why it matters -- from both a cultural and economic perspective."