Jeffrey Ma On This Year's NBA Season

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Here's a quote from Jeffery Ma on ESPN (of famed 21 who's now turned legit and the founder of Citizen Sports) about what he thinks are the main stories of the 2008-2009 season:

Two stories will emerge out of the Northwest this season. Kevin Love, a native of Oregon, will be the Rookie of the Year and will draw comparisons to a young Elton Brand (although no one ever makes cross-racial comparisons). He will show relentlessness on the boards and a soft touch from the perimeter. The other story from the northwest will be the Portland Trail Blazers emerging as the most improved team in the NBA and advancing past the first round of the playoffs. With a strong nucleus of Roy, Aldridge and Oden the team will surprise many teams that don't come to play.
Read more down at the Experts Gaze into the Crystal Ball of 2008-2009.