Random Reader Comments

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Some reader comments that have been made from various posts over the last couple of weeks:

From Robert Van Winkle On Would You Vote For This Mug?:

Not with that hair.

From Sophi Nguyen On The Viet Model Project And Thao Sophi Nguyen:

humm now that you mentioned it i re-read the whole interview , in that paragraph there were couple other question that was asked but isnt listed .Notice that all the answer stated are short closed sentence ? I wouldnt just stop and answer something that has nothing to do with the question , maybe during my interview i provided so much information that they couldnt paraphrase it all into one .

From Uglyblackjohn On The Debate, Palin, And Those Preconditions:

I noticed a lot of Blacks in the back of the lyceum. They were the loud ones cheering at the end of the telecast ( I watched it on NBC so I may have gotten a different image).I noticed that Sarah looked a lot like Rudy G too...Obama has to walk a tight rope between being in control and being "The Angry Black Man" over-reating to the old man.Obama did well enough.

From Alice On Host A Japanese Game Show On MTV:

Hmmm, call me cynical but I have a feeling that this is going to be one of those infamous fake Japanese game shows, where the point is to show how weird, nerdy, bizarre, and perverse those wacky "orientals" are. I will be truly surprised if it's not, so I really wouldn't encourage anyone to put themselves out there (waste their time going into casting) until they know what the show is about. MTV, ha.

From Gary King On Stan Lee And Captain America:

I would totally love to direct a Wonder Woman film starring Gabriel Union!

From Nick On MTV's Top Pop Group Videos: Jazmin:

they're not bad... but not good either... musical talent these days is really lacking...

From Kenny Eng On Kenny Eng On iTunes Soon:

This just in: "Self Centered" on iTunes.

From Pioro On Other Views: More On Stuff White People Like:

I think identity by race/color of your skin is an antiquated late-19th century fad that gained traction throughout the 20th century and was even taken to perverse lows by regimes such as Nazi Germany. I have had the chance to live in the USA, Europe, and the Far East and it is incredible, in particular the US, how many people need to identify themselves by race and not by the individual they are (doctor, mechanic, artist, etc.). Maybe this has to do with hollowing out of American culture into mass-consumerism. What I found quite disturbing though is how blatantly racist Asians can be, particularly against other Asians. (not so much Asian-Americans although often they have overwhelming blind-pride and glorification of their homeland without often acknowledging the harsh realities existing there). Japan is an extreme case where they would rather have robots take care of their elderly than a Filipino. Chinese will often be friendly on the surface but seem to have this unhealthy drive to "we will show you all / something to prove" attitude which is quite scary for the future of the world as long as China is a one-party dictatorship. Maybe you are right that due to me being part of the dominant culture, at least in Europe and in the USA (but is this still so true there?) that I have a different outlook. But I have had the opportunity to travel extensively and live in different parts and what I have learned is to always judge one person at a time. Otherwise you will just wear yourself down with prejudice and negative feelings.

From rainman On Ashwin Madia And Ron Carey:

Paulsen was interviewed on WCCO this morning and did not condemn the comments made at the press conference on his behalf. His campaing staffers were at the press conference, so he must have known exactly what would be said....he's as big a slime ball as Carey and Michel....it's no wonder the GOP is shrinking as we speak. Madia is running an issue oriented positive campaign and that is all you will hear from him. The truth is always the best medicine and Paulsen doesn't want to take his.....bad form by him.

From Pick Up Trucks On Las Plumas High School, Pickup Trucks, And Getting Out Of The Way:

Yes there will always be some sort of racism everywhere in the world, but the best way to avoid it is to ignore the source and eventually it will only prove to be an adolescent viewpoint.

From jhollingsworth On SoCal And Hate Crimes:

well after all, it is america and anyone is free to hate anyone or group they please. however, what is NOT protected by the contitution is a crime commited as a result of that hatred. yet, regardless of it's motivation, it is still a crime whether hate-inspired or not. labelling it a 'hate crime' is redundant.

From Keith On Balls of Fury: Ching Chong racism or just a funny movie?:

Are you smoking crack?