I was reading this article down at the San Jose Mercury News and it begs the question of what needs to be done in order for a crime to be called a hate crime which I've asked before:
Investigators found white supremacist literature and hand-drawn swastikas among the possessions of a 14-year-old boy charged with murder in the fatal shooting of his gay classmate, court records showed.I know kids aren't always in the right mind and in that way I think people can deserve a second chance - but to fix the problem, you really do need to know what caused the problem, and this kid will never be able to fixed (and he definitely needs it) until people can realize that it was a hate crime - what else do they need?
Senior Deputy District Attorney Maeve Fox wrote in the court filing that the items found in Brandon McInerney's room constituted a "trove of white supremacy-related" items that "depict racist skinhead philosophy."
McInerney, who is being tried as an adult, is also charged with committing a hate crime in the Feb. 12 shooting of 15-year-old Larry King at their junior high school in Oxnard.
At the same time, I just loved the lawyer who added that his client's best friends at school were people of color - yeah - like that makes a difference - it doesn't (and I wonder how many of his "friends" are really his friends).