If you happened to miss it, there's a really good article on U.S. Representative Mike Honda down at the Mercury News:
If ever there was an election cycle that was ready for a Spanish-speaking, Japanese-American politician who likes singing karaoke and counts Silicon Valley among his key constituents, this is it. With such a resume when the Democratic theme is dump the status quo, U.S. Rep. Mike Honda has the eye of many Democrats. He speaks at Barack Obama fundraisers, sits as an influential Democratic Party vice-chair and on Tuesday will speak to the Democratic convention.Check out the full article here.
As of now he is just one of four California congress members who have speaking slot. The other three are two Southern California Latinos and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He has yet to write his Tuesday night speech, to be delivered before the much anticipated address by Hillary Clinton, but Honda, 67, gave a preview Tuesday, saying he will urge Americans to vote for hope.