If you don't know - teachers have one of the hardest jobs in the world (I know because I was one of those students who made a teacher's job even harder) - so it's nice to see when a teacher gets celebrated for their work in the community, and it's even extra nice when that teacher is also an Asian American like Mindy Yip.
Here's the scoop from the SFGate:
San Francisco teacher Mindy Yip sat cross-legged on the floor of the Visitacion Valley Elementary School multipurpose room with her first-grade students Monday morning, consoling a crying boy.Read it in full.
They were among scores of students, teachers and parents watching as some of the most powerful people in the country, state and city passed a microphone back and forth, introducing each other and speaking to a bank of television cameras about the importance of education.
The Visitacion Valley children and their teachers had been on the hard floor for nearly an hour - at least 20 minutes waiting. They had no idea why they were assembled - told only that the politicians and other important people were there because of the school's great test scores.
That was a ruse.