Random Reader Comments

Monday, December 29, 2008

Some reader comments that have been made on various posts:

From P On BoA Tackles The U.S., Part I, MTV Iggy:

I really hope she manages to croos over because I think she has all the right elements- she can dance, sing, and she has catchy hooks. I think Asia is exploding with a lot of musical talent and it's a darn shame that none have been able to make it. Is America ready to accept an Asian, dance/ r'n'b singer? One can only hope that they are, especially with the acceptance of a black President. I'm black, btw, and I am rooting for an Asian take over in North American music.

P.S. Why haven't any Asian musicians tried to break into the Canadian market first? I ask because they are Asian Canadians who have made quite an impact here (George, Elise Estrada etc). I think it's because it's such a multi-cultural environment and people are generally more tolerant.

From Support OC On O.C. Welch, "Rice-Ready", I Need Me Some Sauerkraut, And What Does Buy American Really Mean?:

You're the ignorant one and a race bater on top of it all. Why is it that 'red neck' is perfectly acceptable in this country, yet 'ricer' isn't when it comes to an auto -- not an individual? As far as the domestics go, they invest 17 billion annually in R&D to keep the country you live in competitive in a global market place.

if the big 3 had used only 35% domestic content to build their autos last year (like the imports did) they would have spent $95 billion less here in the US. That $95 billion in lost sales would have cost between 200,000 and 330,000 Americans their jobs (and that's not even on the assembly lines)

Fact of the matter is, the domestics employ about 5 million American's directly or indirectly related to the auto industry. What does that mean? That means that if the domestic were to close up shop, the ramifications of that would even affect the US worker on the Toyota line in some form or another (that's how far reaching and crucial the auto industry is in this country when it comes to jobs) And it should be no mystery either, that a Japanese corporation would have any concern whatsoever with the welfare of the assembly line worker in another country.

Also, Toyota does business with rouge nations such as Iran and Syria. Considering the latter, they don't sound so committed to their bought and paid for 'American ' image to me.

From Sylvie On Santas Of Color And The Gedde Watanabe Reach-Around:

you're missing out, Slanty. Helen Zia gives a mean lap dance...

From Jeff On White Man Claims $150,000 in racism lawsuit: Powershift?:

Are you nuts?

2. On a whole, racial slurs against white people (specifically white males) when looked at in context of the history of oppression against people of color, do not hold the same weight as a racial slur against a person of color in regard to power and prejudice.

On a whole, given that black violent crime on whites is far more prevelant than the reverse, a white man should suffer much greater distress, than would a black in the reverse, when a black uses racial language which could be interpreted as fighting words. Somehow, in your self-righteousness, you have missed this obvious factor. In the context of two individuals, whites are far more likely to suffer violence at the hands of blacks than vice versa. Therefore, the trenchant analysis is not upon societal level discrimination, but rather on the individual level and the societal level. Whine about something else.

From Minority Militant On Kay And Colin:

This is soooo 1972. Do these guys think they're doing something new? "The ultimate likeable underdog," huh? "Plays against stereotype by pursuing her dreams despite a stern traditional Chinese upbringing." More like playing for stereotype.

From Gil Asakawa On 50 Blogs/Sites And Their Myers-Briggs Personality:

Thanks for the analysis, Slanty... I kinda agree with the "Doer" bit for Nikkeiview.com, but I laughed out loud at this part: "engaging in physical out-door activities." I'm more the couch-potato, DVD-watching type. In fact, I'm watching "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" as I type this...

From Paul G. Bens, Jr. On Keanu Reeves, 47 Ronin, And Being A Cat Who's Really A Pumpkin Who Wants To Be A Labradoodle:

Been lurking for a bit and usually don't have anything to add, but this topic was one I actually had some thoughts and background on.

When I was a film and television casting director (and someone who worked with the Asian American Entertainment Industry), this issue would come up a lot. And I have to say that I understood both sides of the coin. However, what it came down to me was this: Asian Americans are (and have been) amazingly marginalized in the entertainment industry for decades. If we start casting only Japanese Americans to play Japanese characters or Vietnamese to play only Vietnamese, aren't we simply marginalizing the actors even more? After all, producers and casting people don't make sure they're hiring an Irish American actor to play an Irish character, or Polish American actor to play a polish character? Why should Asian American actors be limited to playing only their specific ethnic heritage? Isn't that discrimination in its self.

After the Miss Saigon incident, producers got it into their minds that they had to hire the specific ethnicity to play an ethnically specific character. They misunderstood the real issue at hand (I personally felt they absolutely understood the issue and were only going the ethnic specifc thing as a passive-aggressive punishment), which is white actors should not play Asian characters. And especially not in yellow face. As a result, a lot of talented Asian American actors and actresses couldn't get through the door for Asian roles because they weren't of that specific ethnic group.

In fact, years before Geisha ever got made, those who were developing it asked my partner and I for some actor recommendations. When we brought up non-Japanese American actors, they were like "No, no, no." So it was interesting to me when it did get made to see the mix they came up with.

When I produced a feature film with a 99% Asian American cast, the director (also Asian American) didn't want to hire this amazing actress because she was hapa. His reasoning was "She's hapa...she'll have more opportunities." This in a film that was trying to break Asian American stereotypes. Now, this actress wasn't someone who was 1/100th part Asian; not someone who looked mostly white. She was hapa. Luckily, he agreed that the best actor should get the role and she did.

I always looked at it this way....it should always be the best Asian American actor for the role. If the role requires that the actor speak a specific language, then the best Asian American actor who can speak (or be taught to speak) that language effectively should get the role. It is hard enough in Hollywood to get producers to cast an Asian American in a non-Asian roll (it still almost never happens unless it is a bit player part). If we start limiting Asian American actors to playing only their specific ethnic heritage, Asian American actors will only become more marginalized and limited in the roles and jobs they can get. And that means less Asian American actors who can stick out the struggle between rolls. And that means fewer Asian American actors for producers to choose from. And that can only mean less Asian Americans on screen. And we need more on screen. There are amazing Asian American actors out there who deserve to work in good roles.

Anyhow...just my thoughts. =-)

From Quan On Anh Joseph Cao: And You're The First:

"I can't help but wish that he was a Democrat."
Yeah God forbid anyone whose views differ with yours take such a high position office! Blasphemy!