Seoulbeats And Far*East Movement

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I think I'm posting this in part just because I like the picture that Seoulbeats put up for their interview with FM. Here's a snippet:

SB: I know you want to raise the Asian-American profile in the US, how do you go about that?

I think a lot of it has to do with us putting in the work that we do. Because when we were younger we didn’t have a lot of Asian-American representation, other than, like, Mr. Miyagi and Bruce Lee . So something like being a musician or an actor or anything like being an entertainer other than, you know, the more typecast roles, is hard and didn’t seem like an achievable goal. It’s really grown a lot in the last few years and it’s not just us doing our music and doing our best to represent our people, but also through supporting other people; which is why we have things like the International Secret Agents concert [with Wong Fu Productions], where we showcase Asian-American talents. And there’s people like, you know, Wong Fu productions and David Choi, who have built these fan bases, and by us being able to create these platforms really helps with that. I think it’s worth noting too, I think that dance, the Asians that are representing in dance are huge right now. With Quest and the JabbawockeeZ, the Jabbawockeez are pretty much as mainstream as you can get.
Check out the full interview here.