This short film Touch, which will also be playing down at the DisOrient Film Festival, has Kiki Yeung and Yuji Okumoto (from Karate Kid 2 and Pearl Harbor) and was created by the same people (the 1/2 Asian production team) that also brought you the direct to video/dvd flicks The Life and Times of MC Beer Bong and Simply FOBulous.
Here's the synopsis for the short:
A lonely immigrant woman spends her life sewing day after day, watching the world go by from the window of her small tailor shop. Longing for human interaction, she attempts to connect with the passersby, only to be met with rejection and humiliation. She looks to her wooden mannequin, who watches over her daily from the corner of the store, to fill the void in her heart. Her hope for love is realized when the mannequin comes to life and the customer of her dreams sweeps her off her feet.Because I know you want to see the trailer:
Go to the Touch MySpace page or Kiki Yeung's MySpace page.